Our TeamKunkwan tutor team consists of a group of highly trained and TCSL (teaching Chinese as a second language) certified tutors.
Our dedicated and professional tutor team is a major factor in the success of Kunkwan. Our tutors strive to inspire, motivate and nurture all of our students to converse fluently in Mandarin and shape a better future for them. Our tutors make learning fun in order that students can learn Mandarin in a fun way. It drives motivation, flow, passion and engagement by using fun and innovative ways of learning. It also helps to relieve study stress and boost their learning potential.
Our tutors conduct an average of 224 classes monthly. As of May 2021, we have helped 15,987 students succeed in a much bigger way and they are successfully received the HSK International Certificates in Kunkwan.

Mr Kent(Huang Laoshi)
Huang laoshi is the founder of Kunkwan. He is a TTT trainer and have more than 13 years’ experience in Training and Education industry. Meanwhile, Huang Laoshi also a HSK 6 holder.
Quote: Kunkwan has no limits.
Testimonial from students:
Learning with Huang Laoshi is fun, interactive and entertaining. Huang Laoshi always keep the students alert by frequent engagement with the students and always open for questions. Thank you for your dedication Huang Laoshi. – Entunio
The best one so far.☺Easy to understand and memorise especially to those who are slow in learning language like me. The teaching is not too fast and not too slow either. 5 ⭐ from me -Aida
Fun class as normal. Good to hv this practice so that can prepare more for exam. Great laoshi produce great student. Keep up the good job laoshi. – AZZWANI

Ms Presha(Pei Shan Laoshi)
Pei Shan laoshi is an advance diploma holder. She learned Mandarin for more than 19 years and she have more than 3 years teaching experience in Teaching Chinese as Second Language. Peishan Laoshi also a CTCSOL holder (CTCSOL Certificate is issued by Confucius Institute Headquarters / Chinese Hanban. This certificate is the sole official certificate for teachers of Chinese to speakers of other languages issued by China and certifies teaching capability and general quality of the holder as an international Chinese teacher).
Quote: Expect Nothing, Appreciate Everything.
Testimonial from students:
During my whole learning of Level A under Peishan Laoshi, i have improved my mandarin vocabulary a lot. With a fun learning environment under peishan laoshi, i tend to understand mandarin much more than before. Not gonna lie, there were great struggles that i endured during this whole course but with the help of my friends and a cool laoshi, everything seems easy! -FARUK
I myself did not expect to learn Mandarin at the age of 41. I knew my memory is not the same as when I was young. But, PeiShan Laoshi is very patience as she guide me to make sure I understood all my doubts. It is Indeed a fun learning Mandarin course organized by Kunkwan. -FARIDAH
PeiShan Laoshi always have eagerness to teach and improve our Hanyu and giving lots of example words that we can apply on our daily speak. Xie xie PeiShan Laoshi. -AMIR

Ms Agnes(Agnes Laoshi)
Agnes Laoshi is a Degree Holder and has more than 4 years teaching experience. Besides this, Agnes Laoshi is a CTCSOL holder (CTCSOL Certificate is issued by Confucius Institute Headquarters / Chinese Hanban. This certificate is the sole official certificate for teachers of Chinese to speakers of other languages issued by China and certifies teaching capability and general quality of the holder as an international Chinese teacher).
Quote: Choose mindsets that will encourage you to achieve happiness and achievement, and discard mindsets that can’t support your happiness.
Testimonial from students:
Laoshi give her best way to teach us. Take note the comment from previous class and improve herself. Very good effort from Laoshi. – Asyraf
I really like Agnes laoshi method of teaching. She gave good tips on how to remember the grammar. She gave details meaning (literal) to each words. She follows the note and give us ample time to write additional notes. She called everyone names to participate and that makes me feel like I’m involved in the class. I hope I see her in future class too. – Nurul Lyanna
I love the way laoshi teach in a class. Very easy to understand. Each lesson laoshi explain clearly and will repeat again. Song chosen also very helpful. At the beginning of the classes, laoshi do revision for the last class (CIC2), which is very good for recap what have we learned before. Thank you so much Agnes Laoshi! – Nadiah Khairunnisa

Ms Cloris(Cloris Laoshi)
Cloris Laoshi is a Degree holder. She has learned Mandarin for more than 18 years. Cloris Laoshi also a CTCSOL holder. (CTCSOL Certificate is issued by Confucius Institute Headquarters / Chinese Hanban. This certificate is the sole official certificate for teachers of Chinese to speakers of other languages issued by China and certifies teaching capability and general quality of the holder as an international Chinese teacher).
Quote: It doesn’t matter how slow you go as long as you don’t stop.
Testimonial from students:
I do understand a lot now and Cloris laoshi very helpful in helping me to know new vocabs. Thank you so much. – Rozaini
Cloris Laoshi class was fun and easy to understand. – MOHD AZLAN
Laoshi is so friendly and she really good on doing her job. – FATEN

Mr Kong(Kong Laoshi)
Kong Laoshi is a STPM holder. He has learned Mandarin for more than 7 years and he has rich teaching experience.
Quote: Leave your broken windows open, and in the light just streams.
Testimonial from students:
Thank you very much for taking my comment from last week into consideration! And thank you so much again for a knowledge packed lesson last night. -AISYA JAHEERA
I learn new things for today class. xie xie laoshi. -NAILAH
I like how Kong laoshi giving a lot of example thru each of the subject today. -DARWISAH

Ms Syazni(Sasa Laoshi)
Sasa Laoshi learned Mandarin for more than 20 years and have 2 years teaching experience.
Quote: Forget the mistake remember the lesson.
Testimonial from students:
Sasa laoshi hen hao . I love learning from her and i always look forward to meeting her in the class. -Kirishallini
She is very good guiding in student. – Afira
Good teacher. always striving for students’ improvement. – Hanif

Ms Izzati(Izzati Laoshi)
Izzati Laoshi is Master holder of Human Resource Management and she have more than 1 year teaching experience in Teaching Chinese as Second Language.
Quote:Do good. And good will come to you.
Testimonial from students:
Izzati Laoshi is a very fun, interactive and patience. It’s clear and enjoyable to learn with her. It’s my first time but I felt welcome. She lets everyone to have our turn to participate. She’s very helpful too. Thank you so much for your patience laoshi. – Mira
Thank you laoshi for your exciting yet easy going classes 😍 hope i will get chances to join your next classes! – Fariz
Kelas Izzati Laoshi sangat best! Saya tukar class 3 kali mencari kelas yang serasi, dan kemudian bertemu dengan laoshi. Wo ai ni laoshi ❤️ Xie xie nin. – Izzah Shakira

Mr Fan(Fan Laoshi)
Fan laoshi is a Bachelor’s Degree holder and also a HSK 6 holder. He have 1 year teaching experience in Teaching Chinese as Second Language.
Quote:In order to succeed, the first step is to BELIEVE.
Testimonial from students:
The notes are very neat and detail. It’s easy to understand. – Zana Zaman
I love to learn Mandarin with Fan Laoshi. Easy to understand. Hope to learn more in the coming classes. Xie xie – Nurulizzah
Get so much of knowledge…Xiexie Fan Laoshi – Kushali

Ms Jin(Jin Laoshi)
Jin Laoshi has more than 2 years teaching experience in Teaching Chinese as Second Language.
Quote:You only live once, live life fully and live it like your last day
Testimonial from students:
I really love laoshi’s enthusiasm and teaching attitude! Fun and Cheeerful so I’m happy to participate as it’s encouraging. – Hazirah
Jin laoshi’s teaching method is good and can be understand well.Extraordinary good laoshi. – Fikri
Laoshi is so good, always do revision in class about previous lesson before class. –Hanis

Mr Soo(Soo Laoshi)
Soo laoshi is a Degree holder in Chinese language Education. He has 2 years of teaching experience. Besides this, Soo laoshi is Tiktoker for Kunkwan Singapore.
Quote:A good teacher is like a candle – it consumes itself to light the way for others
Testimonial from students:
If i could give more than 5 star rating, i would love to ! I love learning mandarin with Soo Laoshi because he is very patient, kind and fun ! He is a great teacher and always takes time to answer each of our question respectfully and with full details. I am happy to learn mandarin with him and i would like to continue my next lessons with him ! Keep up the good work laoshi !!! – FARAH
Class very interactive and welcoming, easy to understand, give new and extra vocab. Teacher very welcoming student to try speak during the class and give opportunity to them. Fun lesson during level A class, good presentation skills and fluently in deliver speech.I found class very interactive and fun. Laoshi very helpful and friendly to help student to do thier assignments and answer given questions. – Fajrina
Thank you, laoshi. I really enjoyed your class and you’ve been really helpful to us throughout the whole three months. You always remain enthusiastic and kind eventhough you had back to back classes. It must be tiring but you never show it to us. I’ve learned a lot from you and also referred to your notes while I was revising for my HSK exam last week. It was useful. Thank you for everything and I hope that I could see you again in level B! If i could give more than 5 star rating, i would love to ! I love learning mandarin with Soo Laoshi because he is very patient, kind and fun ! He is a great teacher and always takes time to answer each of our question respectfully and with full details. I am happy to learn mandarin with him and i would like to continue my next lessons with him ! Keep up the good work laoshi !!! – Nina

Ms Kay(Kay Laoshi)
Kay Laoshi is a Bachelor Degree in Chinese Language Education. She has teaching experience for more than 7 years.
Quote: Everything is Okay
Testimonial from students:
Dear laoshi, Thank you for continually inspires us to do our best. You help us to strive for our goals, we found guidance, friendship, discipline and love, everything, in one person. And that person is you… Thanks Laoshi – Sharifah Edayu
Thanks for this 12 weeks laoshi. it’s been a cheerful class for me every Tuesday night. Will be missing all of you later. Now, I have more confident in speaking Mandarin. Xiexie laoshi! – Elizabeth Sambai
I really enjoyed the class . I’m so happy to have a great laoshi , you guide us really well. I improved alot in my mandarin ever since I joined your class laoshi. You are really so dedicated laoshi. Tqvm for all the great teachings. Meet you in next level laoshi. I love you laoshi. – Kasthuri

Ms Kay(Jia Jia Laoshi)
Jia Jia Laoshi is a Bachelor Degree holder in Chinese Language Education. She has 1 year teaching experience for teaching Mandarin as Second Language.
Quote:No pain, no gain
Testimonial from students:
As usual JiaJia laoshi too good in giving explanation, example and helping us in pronunciations and tones. – Rosniza
Very enjoy environment study and very helpful. – Ashikin
Clear presentation and easy to understand. – Natasya

Ms Afifah(Fei Fei Laoshi)
Fei Fei laoshi is a Degree holder in Teaching Mandarin As a Second Language. She has learned Mandarin for more than 6 years and have more than 2 years teaching experience.
Quote: 一日之师终身为父。
Testimonial from students:
Overall, class is very fun and interactive. presentation and delivering method is awesome. easy to understand for the beginner with zero knowledge like me. cannot wait for the 2nd class with fei fei laoshi. – Nor HANIZA
Very fun!! Laoshi’s class is very well structured & organised and I’m impressed she managed to wrap it all in 2 hours and still doesn’t feel like the class is going too fast. She even ask if there’s any volunteer. I give 10/10! – HAZLAILY
My first class was fun and interactive! Feifei Laoshi is patient, caring and has a kind personality. She explained everything in a simple way and help students to understand better. Feifei Laoshi also engaging students in learning which makes the class more enjoyable. Xiexie laoshi ♥️ – RHEA ALEESHA